Answering Your Questions!
Last week we provided an exciting update about construction beginning on the new turbo roundabout and utility installation to support the development of the Gateway by Three Sisters Mountain Village. We received some questions from the community and wanted to share some more information with you.
When will the turbo roundabout be finished?
General construction for the turbo roundabout is scheduled to begin in late June/early July and is anticipated to last for two full construction seasons, weather dependent.
As the developer, Three Sisters Mountain Village pays for the upfront infrastructure and construction costs (as with all developers). Once construction is complete, the Province will assume the ownership and be responsible for maintenance of the roundabout (e.g., snow clearing or seasonal cleanup).

What is the overall project timeline for Gateway?
The project is a multi-year endeavour, and we anticipate finishing all components at the end of next year’s construction season (i.e. October/November 2024). Building construction will likely continue into 2025 and 2026, depending on the speed of development approvals in The Town. We can appreciate any frustration you may have with the earthworks and ongoing construction in the area. To limit impacts to residents and visitors, we continue implementing erosion and sediment control on-site, including dust abatement methods. The project has taken us longer to implement than we would have liked as well. Still, Gateway has had the same delays and timeline processing struggles with the Town that many other Canmore builders and developers have, and so construction has been prolonged as a result.

We hope to be updating the public on tenants very soon! Tenants often only want their information released once they are ready to announce it themselves. As such, we are bound to keep quiet until they permit us to make an announcement. We hope to do this later this year. But we can let you know that we are in conversation with a grocer, several restaurants and retail services. The Gateway at Three Sisters development will be street orientated, and many of its buildings will be multiple storeys. At grade, we will be accommodating retail stores and restaurants, and those buildings that are planned to have a second or a third storey will accommodate employee housing or office uses above. Stay tuned for more updates.
If you have any other questions, please get in touch with us at our website https://tsmv.ca/contact-us